Resolve Your
<$10,000 Tax Debt
If you owe less than $10,000 in back taxes (including penalties and interest), there are steps you can take on your own to get control of your situation and get back on the road to financial security.
How to Solve Your Tax Problem
Omni Tax Solutions works with all taxpayers, regardless of their situation. If you owe less than $10,000, you have options to try and resolve your situation on your own. You can take matters into your own hands by learning about DIY tax debt relief strategies, and see if you qualify for a Streamlined Installment Agreement.
DIY Tax Debt Relief Overview
Get familiar with the terms, tools, and procedures you'll need to know in order to resolve your tax debt with the IRS or other tax authority. Then, take the appropriate actions to make things right.
Streamlined Installment Agreement
For resolving an IRS tax debt less than $10,000, this could be your best option. A Streamlined Installment Agreement doesn't require you to verify your assets, expenses, liabilities, or income.