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How does the IRS apply payments?

Information on how the IRS applies payments towards tax liability The IRS will apply any undesignated payments or payments made through collection specification/resolution (i.e. levy,

How to make an Individual Estimated Tax Payment

Explanation on Estimated Payment requirement and how to make it The Internal Revenue Service requires for certain individual taxpayers to make Estimated Tax Payments. Estimated

What does “Current and Compliant” mean?

Definition for the terms “Current and Compliant” in reference to tax liability Very simply, the term “Current and Compliant” means a taxpayer is: Current with

How to Make a Payment to the IRS

Instructions for making payments to the IRS The IRS provides multiple options to make a payment. Listed below are options and link to IRS instructions

IRS Payroll Tax Holiday

President Trump’s newly-signed Executive Order is aimed at helping employees keep more money in their pockets, but there have been a lot of questions on